
The PB Town Council is a non-governmental, all-volunteer, non-profit community improvement association. We do not legislate or enforce. Many of our community’s concerns should be directed to the proper government agency, and this page of resources is intended to help you find the entity with the authority to address your issue.

Save PB’s Guide to Problem Solving

The PB Problem Solver is a helpful one-stop resource with contact info for addressing various issues involving City services. Thanks to Marcella Teran, Suzanne Landa and Marcie Beckett of for compiling this information. Access it here.

Oversize and Recreational Vehicles

The City of San Diego has a Neighborhood Parking Protection Ordinance (NPPO) that restricts overnight parking of “oversized vehicles, non-motorized vehicles and recreational vehicles.” Download a PDF for details.

Scooter and Bicycle Sharing Info

Rules and Regulations, FAQ (City of San Diego website)
Bicycle & Scooter Company Contacts (City of San Diego website)
ScootScoop (privately operated, free scooter removal)

Get It Done – City of San Diego

This your direct line to the City on a variety of issues, including reporting of potholes, graffiti, illegal dumping, parking/streets issues and more. You can submit requests via the City’s website or the Get It Done app. Go here to initiate a request or download the app.


Non-emergency number: (619) 531-2000. For a life-threatening emergency or crime in progress, call 911. Download tips for non-emergency calls.

Our Community Relations Officer (CRO) in Pacific Beach is Officer Jessica Thrift,

Neighborhood Policing Division: This SDPD unit focuses on chronic, quality-of-life neighborhood issues such as graffiti, crime and homelessness. Report using Get It Done or email Remember to provide specifics including days, times, locations. (This is not an appropriate resource when you need immediate response.)

Letter of Agency (LOA): Businesses may complete this form to file with SDPD, authorizing officers to remove individuals from private property who are loitering and/or committing criminal activity.

Neighborhood Watch Program: Marcella Teran is our local Neighborhood Watch Coordinator, working with SDPD. If you are interested in setting up a Neighborhood Watch group for your block, please contact us and we’ll put you in touch with Marcella.

Homelessness Issues

Shelter Availability and Resource Referral: Dial 211
Mental Health 24-Hour Hotline: 888-724-7240
Homeless Outreach Team Message Line: 619-446-1010

Shoreline Community Services: 858-900-7024. Run by local community volunteer Caryn Blanton, Shoreline is addressing the unmet needs of unsheltered individuals and families in the central beach area. SCS is working to eliminate homelessness in PB one person at a time by making connections and offering services with the goal of placing people in shelters and permanent housing. Neighbors can help by volunteering or donating supplies from their Cold Weather Amazon Wish List.

Contact Officials in City Government

Our City, County and State representatives are listed here.

Graffiti and Street Cleanups

The City of San Diego tracks graffiti via a sophisticated database and pursues offenders for monetary damages. Download this PDF to learn about the process and how you can help; submit graffiti reports via Get It Done.

Report graffiti on SDG&E utility boxes; they guarantee removal within 48 hours. Call their hotline, 619-401-1416, or email

PB Street Stewards encourages residents to “adopt” a block for weekly litter pickup. Learn more at the website or visit the Facebook page.

RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol)

This program provides free home checks for people who are on vacation or otherwise not at home — for example, during fumigation. Volunteers will come by your residence at least once a day to check all doors, gates, etc., and make sure everything looks secure. Home checks are done for a minimum of three days and a maximum of 30. To take advantage of this service, contact the San Diego Police Northern Division at 858-552-1737.