As of June 2024, this event is on hiatus. We will determine future plans. This year we have experienced very low levels of participation, and it could be that our efforts are better directed elsewhere. If you have constructive feedback about our cleanups, we’d love to hear it. Email us.
Thank you to everyone who participated in previous cleanups.

We recommend volunteers bring work gloves, sunscreen, visors or hats, and drinking water. We will have equipment and high-visibility vests.
Download and sign a safety waiver here if you’d like to attend one of our clean ups!
Get added to our volunteer mailing list.
We’d love to have you participate in future events. To be notified of events, please sign up below. You’ll be added to the PBTC mailing list. If you’re already on the mailing list, a designation will be added for special cleanup notifications.

Would you please consider donating to help defray the cost of equipment and supplies? (Donations are tax-deductible.)
Previous Events
Shown below are PBTC volunteers Brian White, Susan Crowers, Ron Walker, and Charlie Nieto getting after those weeds. There’s a LOT more to do, so please volunteer for our weed removal task force!

Below are some before-and-after photos of PBTC weed abatement efforts. What a difference! But the job is far from done, so we hope you’ll volunteer to help.